Belle of Liberty

Letting Freedom Ring

Saturday, July 28, 2012

The Socialist Olympics

The 2012 Summer Olympic Games opened in London last night with a mixture of the fun – James Bond escorting Queen Elizabeth II to the opening ceremonies via a parachute jump Using a film clip and stunt doubles of course) and Mary Poppins nannies descending down into the stadium – and the bizarre – a tableau changing from the pastoral English countryside to the Industrial Revolution to a tribute to the National Health Service, England’s socialist health care system.

According to the Associated Press, the ceremony was “a celebration of free healthcare, the trade union struggle, the battle for women's rights and a fleeting lesbian kiss: the Olympics opening ceremony Friday did not shy away from weighty social issues.”

Apparently, Americans (unless they were in London) got to see none of this, even though America’s National Broadcasting Company sponsored the televised event.  Initially, various website ran the James Bond clip, but were forced to take it down due to copyright issues.  The American television audience only got to see it on taped delay, and some say not at all, that the International Olympic Committee decided America didn’t deserve to see the opening ceremony.

The opening ceremonies were produced by Oscar-winning British director Danny Boyle (“Slumdog Millionaire”), known for his socialist leanings.    Alastair Campbell, communications chief to former British Labour prime minister Tony Blair, responded on Twitter: “Brilliant that we got a Socialist to do the opening ceremony.”

Perhaps Campbell thinks it was a brilliant strategy, but the Olympics is a rather strange venue for a Socialist message, with dancing Socialist health care nurses, no less.  Strange because the Olympics are all about handing out gold, silver and bronze metals to winners, to the best, to the successful.

Does the International Olympic Committee, who clearly approved the opening ceremonies and blacked out America from seeing it (guess it was no loss except for the bit about Queen Elizabeth and James Bond), intend to hand out participation medals to all the thousands of athletes, particularly those who come in dead last?

The pastoral setting doesn’t bear too close examination, by the way.  Peasants of that time period were legally bound to live in their communities.  They couldn’t move unless the receiving community decided they weren’t going to be a burden on the town.  Peasants moved to the industrialized cities in order to find work, so they wouldn’t starve.  The fuliginous environment may not have been very pleasant, and certainly unsanitary given the times.  London became crowded and dirty and the very poor were in dire straits.

Eventually, Britain straightened itself out.  The Poor Laws were finally abandoned in the 19th Century.  Mass production did provide jobs and affordable goods.  England’s economy strengthened, and then along came the Socialists, agitating the poor in order to hijack an economy they had not created.

Violence and intimidation are the key to Socialist strategy.  For them to stage their drama in the midst of competition, fair play, and good sportsmanship is contrary to the principles of the Olympics; it’s an oxymoron.  Equality is not a component of the Games.

People view the Olympics to watch winners, not sore-loser Socialists.

Friday, July 27, 2012

The Bridge That Othmar Built

Obama didn’t build the George Washington Bridge, but the terrorist his Muslim-brotherhood pals are trying to spring from Federal prison, Sheik Omar Abdel Rahmen certainly wanted to destroy it back in 1993.

Othmar Hermann Ammann was a Swiss-American structural engineer who designed the bridge.

Ammann was born in Schaffhausen, Switzerland in 1879. His father was a manufacturer and his mother was a hat maker. He received his engineering education at the Polytechnikum in Zurich, Switzerland.   He studied with Swiss engineer Wilhelm Ritter.  In 1904, he emigrated to the United States, spending his career working mostly in New York City.  In 1905, he briefly returned to Switzerland to marry Lilly Selma Wehrli. Together they had 3 children- Werner, George, and Margaret- before she died in 1933.  In 1924, he became a naturalized citizen of the United States. He then married Karly Vogt Noetzli in 1935 in California.

Ammann wrote two reports about bridge collapses, the collapse of the Quebec Bridge and the collapse of the original Tacoma Narrows Bridge (Galloping Gertie).  It was the report that he wrote about the failure of the Quebec in 1907 that first earned him recognition in the field of bridge design engineering. Because of this report, he was able to obtain a position working for Gustav Lindenthal on
the Hell Gate Bridge.  By 1925, he had been appointed bridge engineer to the Port of New York
Authority.  His design for a bridge over the Hudson River was accepted over one developed by his
mentor, Lindenthal.  Lindenthal's  “North River Bridge” – the Hudson was known as the North River at
that time - designs show an enormous, 16-plus lane bridge that would have accommodated pedestrians,
freight trains, rapid transit, and automobile traffic.  The bridge, which would have entered Manhattan at
57th Street, was rejected in favor of Ammann's designs primarily due to cost reasons.

Ultimately, this became the George Washington Bridge.  Under Ammann’s direction, it was completed
six months ahead of schedule for less than the original $60 million budget.  Ammann's designs for the
George Washington Bridge, and, later, the Bayonne Bridge, caught the attention of master builder,
Robert Moses, who drafted Ammann into his service.  The last four of Ammann's six New York City
bridges — Triborough, Bronx-Whitestone, Throgs Neck, and Verrazano-Narrows — were all built for
Moses' Triborough Bridge and Tunnel Authority.   

In 1946, Ammann and Charles Whitney founded the firm Ammam & Whitney. In 1964, Ammann
opened the Verrazano Narrows Bridge in New York that had the world’s longest suspended span of
 4,260 feet and the world's heaviest suspension of its time.  The Verrazano Narrows Bridge is currently
the eighth-longest span in the world and the longest span in the Western Hemisphere. Ammann also
assisted in the building of the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, which is currently the
ninth-longest span.

Through his career, Ammann was the recipient of several awards including the Thomas Fitch Rowland
Prize (1919), the Metropolitan Section Civil Engineer of the Year (1958), the Ernest E. Howard Award
 (1960) and the National Medal of Science (1964).

Many men and women helped construct the bridge, but before anyone could lay a girder, someone had
to think of the design (which originally involved a cement casing but was left out due to budget
constraints during the Great Depression) – and that was one smart, hard-working legal immigrant, not
many – Othmar Ammann.

But it’s not one smart engineer who constructed the bridge whom Obama is heralding – Ammann died
in 1965, a year after the opening of the  Verrazano Narrows Bridge.  It’s the twisted radical Islamic
cleric Abdel Omar Rahmen and his evil masterminds who at least once planned to destroy the world’s
busiest bridge (named after our first president), whom our current president is said to be planning to set

Just remember who built the George Washington Bridge – and who tried to destroy it.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Banned in Boston

Chic-fil-A, an up-and-coming restaurant franchise, has been banned in Boston because of its president’s stance opposing gay marriage.

Earlier this month, Chic-fil-A President Dan Cathy told the Baptist Press that his company is “guilty as charged” in support of the Biblical definition of marriage and family.  Boston Mayor Thomas N. Menino, in a July 20  letter to Cathy, declared that he would block the chain from opening in Boston.

To Mr. Cathy,

In recent days, you said Chick-fil-A opposes same-sex marriage and said the generation that supports it has an "arrogant attitude.'' 

Now -- incredibly -- your company says you are backing out of the same-sex marriage debate. I urge you to back out of your plans to locate in Boston.

You called supporters of gay marriage "prideful.'' Here in Boston, to borrow your own words, we are "guilty as charged.'' We are indeed full of pride for our support of same sex marriage and our work to expand freedom to all people. We are proud that our state and our city have led the way for the country on equal marriage rights. 

I was angry to learn on the heels of your prejudiced statements about your search for a site to locate in Boston. There is no place for discrimination on Boston's Freedom Trail and no place for your company alongside it. When Massachusetts became the first state in the country to recognize equal marriage rights, I personally stood on City Hall Plaza to greet same sex couples coming here to be married. It would be an insult to them and to our city's long history of expanding freedom to have a Chick-fil-A across the street from that spot. 


Thomas M. Menino
Mayor, City of Boston

On the heels of Menino’s statement, Chicago Mayor Rahm Emmanuel, and Obama’s former chief of staff, vowed to block Chic-fil-A from expanding in Chicago.

“Chick-fil-A’s values are not Chicago values,” Emmanuel risibly declared.  “They’re not respectful of our residents, our neighbors and our family members. And if you’re gonna be part of the Chicago community, you should reflect Chicago values,” Emanuel said Wednesday.

Ald. Joe Moreno (1st) is using the same argument to block Chick-fil-A from opening its first free-standing restaurant in Chicago’s Logan Square neighborhood.   Chick-fil-A already has one Chicago store — at 30 E. Chicago near Loyola University’s downtown campus.

Menino talks about the Freedom Trail and Emmanuel espouses “Chicago values.”  The Freedom Trail represents freedom of the American colonies from Britian’s oppressive religious and speech laws.  If you disagreed with the Church of England, you could be declared a heretic and hung.  If you spoke against the Crown, you could be thrown in jail, tortured, and even executed.

Menino is reverting back to the repressive English model by preventing a private business from opening because he doesn’t like what its owner thinks.  Dan Cathy said nothing about banning people from his restaurants; only that he disapproves of gay marriage.  It’s unlikely that one the restaurant’s teenaged clerks would ask for a marriage license before taking someone’s order.

Then there’s Mayor Emmanuel talking about the values of Chicago, and respect for other people’s rights.  Like the respect that the United Neighborhood Organization of Chicago showed for U.S. Senator Charles Percy (R) in October 1984, when he tried to speak on a black radio talk show program?  The mob of 100 – mostly composed of illegal Mexican immigrants – ran the senator into a bathroom in order to prevent him from speaking on the show.   They were punishing him for refusing appear at a UNO forum.  Percy believed that UNO would stack the audience in favor of his Democratic challenger, Paul Simon.

How respectful was Chicago when it renamed a school in a middle-class, Mexican-American neighborhood Ninos Heroes, against the wishes of the majority of the residents?  Using Alinksy-style tactics, UNO singled out a Latino school board member who opposed the renaming of the school, besieging him in his home.  According to Stanley Kurtz in his book, Radical-in-Chief, “The Chicago school board’s Hispanic president later decried UNO’s unruly ‘threatening’ tactics, but the board surrendered anyway.”

It was Rahm Emmanuel who led the attack on Sarah Palin during the 2008 presidential campaign, filing hundreds of frivolous lawsuits against her, care of the Alaskan taxpayers, until she finally resigned her office as governor of Alaska.  Chicago, to say nothing of the state of Illinois, is rife with corruption and vice.  Obama’s replacement as state senator was sent to jail.  Chicago is infamous for its voter fraud.  Chicago was the capital of crime during prohibition and is the murder capital of the nation.

Chic-fil-A would bring some decency back to the Windy City and restore freedom to Beantown.  Banning the franchise is yet another sign of government overreach and the encroaching socialism that has been gradually infecting our society.

If Chic-fil-A were to reflect Chicago’s values, they’d not only have to acknowledge and accept the socialist worldview of gay marriage, but they’d have to accept orders from dead people, as well.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Voter Fraud Correction

Our diligent Tea Party GOTV Committee was pleased to have some publicity on this blog.  They did send a correction, however:

"One correction...we did not get to clear the rolls. What we did was to send those dead peoples names to the State and Passaic County so they can cross check the names on their rolls and then remove them if they find them. . our next job is to see if any of the dead voted. "

Crowing Over the Fight Against Voter Fraud

Even as Garry Trudeau, in his nationally-syndicated comic strip Doonesbury, tries to smear Conservatives and the GOP for fighting against voter fraud, accusing them of enacting Jim Crow laws, according to a report in today’s Richmond (Va.) Times-Dispatch, the Washington-based nonprofit group Voter Participation Center is under suspicion of mailing voter registration forms to children, family pets, and dead people.

Mitt Romney’s campaign is requesting that Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli launch an investigation into the errant mailings being sent to Virginia residents, leading to hundreds of complaints.

“The organization,” according to the Times-Dispatch, “has been mass-mailing the forms – pre-populated with key information such as names and address – to primarily Democratic-leaning voting blocs such as young adults, unmarried women, African-Americans, and Latinos.”

“In a letter to Cuccinelli's office and the State Board of Elections, Kathryn Bieber, an attorney for the Romney campaign, calls for an investigation into the matter by law-enforcement officials, claiming that the mailings appear to violate "at least one and maybe several Virginia laws aimed at ensuring a fair election.”

“Bieber refers to the mailings as ‘tactics that amount to, or at the very least induce, voter registration fraud’ and says the issue ‘presents a very significant risk to the proper administration of the upcoming general election.’

“Citing a Sunday Richmond Times-Dispatch story that brought the mailings to light, the letter also asks the State Board of Elections to require registrars to reject all pre-populated voter registration applications from the group and review the eligibility of all Virginians who have registered in the past two months.”

“’This is the only way for voters and other interested parties to regain confidence in the voter registration and electoral process that has been abused by the Voter Participation Center,’” the letter says.”

“On Monday, the Voter Participation Center responded to the Sunday Times-Dispatch story, stating in a letter on its website that ‘imperfections in the VPC vendors' lists — while regrettable and unfortunate — should not be the reason or the excuse to call an entire process that is working into question.’”

“Justin Riemer, the State Board of Elections' deputy secretary, said forms have been sent by the group to deceased infants, out-of-state family members, and non-U.S. citizens, among others.  In a letter this month, the State Board of Elections asked the group to cease pre-populating their forms and raised questions about how the group was obtaining lists of registered voters, citing the errant forms.  He noted that pre-populating the forms violates rules set forth in the state code and the Virginia Constitution requiring that voters fill out their own forms.”

Here in N.J., a committee within a Tea Party group set to the task of clearing the deceased and non-residents from the voting rolls in Passaic County.  The result of their assiduous and time-consuming work was the clearing of over 300 ineligible voters from the rolls.

Trudeau cites the number 750,000.  Guess that-there number is now 749,700, eh “Jimmy Crow”?  That’s in one small, though crowded, county in New Jersey.  Imagine if someone actually cleared the rolls in Chicago?


Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Windfall for Turbine Producers

“For my sole aim has been to arouse men’s scorn for the false and absurd stories of knight-errantry, whose prestige has been shaken by this tale of my true Don Quixote, and which will, without any doubt, soon crumble in ruin.”  Don Quixote.

If you’re looking for alternative information about alternative fuel sources, you need to turn to alternative information sources.  As we all know by now, all the Media is spinning is a lot of hot air.  Al Gore and others have declared that “the debate is over.”

But the debate isn’t over.  Not if you watch the documentary Windfall, which is available on Netflix, or read the book, The Wind Farm Scam, by Dr. John Etherington, a former Ecology professor at the University of Wales.  The film Windfall is about two towns in New York State and their experiences with the installation of wind turbines in their rural communities.

Meredith, N.Y., is a dairy farming community northeast of the Delaware River that has fallen on hard economic times since the advent of factory dairy farms.  Wind turbine sales people came to town offering lucrative cash for the use of their farms to building wind turbines.  Lured by the promise of easy cash and the “opportunity to do their part for the environment,” half the town agreed to the deals.

The other half became skeptical when a local businesswoman gave them the real scoop on the dangers and the expenses of the giant turbines.  The resulting controversy, involving the local town council and the planning board, divided the town in half.

The plan called for 40 industrial wind turbines.  These are not the quaint windmills of Holland and of Don Quixote.  These wind mills are 400 feet high, not counting the height of the blades or the depth of the foundation.  To their tips, the wind turbines can reach up to 650 feet.

Size is not the only gigantic thing about the turbines.  Their enormous cost is subsidized by the federal and state government, and private investors such as General Electric and Goldman Sachs.  The companies grant the communities and the property owners a trifling amount – about $5,000 to the property owner and perhaps $20,000 to the municipality for something that gives very little return on investment and creates tremendous problems. 

·         Production.  You would think that the wind is always there.  But it’s not.  Wind power is touted as a renewable energy source.  But, in fact, not only is it not renewable, it’s not reliable.  Wind turbines, at best, produce only about 25 percent of their total maximum capacity.  In other words, if full capacity is 100 percent – the wind turbine would be spinning constantly at a high enough rate to generate enough electricity – wind turbines only produce one-quarter of the amount of energy necessary to make them productive and viable.  So in order to produce enough energy, a wind turbine producer has to erect a number of these gigantic towers.  According to Dr. Etherington, however, as the number of wind turbines increases, the amount of wind they can use decreases, and so does the amount of energy.  The turbines also don’t produce well at lower levels, where the air is warmer.  Thus, the manufacturers produce taller and taller turbines to take advantage of cooler air and higher winds.

·         Reliability.  Despite opinions to the contrary, the wind does not blow all the time.  Since energy cannot be stored in great volumes, it must be used immediately.  But the wind doesn’t blow all the time and therefore, the turbines cannot produce energy on demand the way a nuclear power plant can, for instance.  What’s more, the turbines can only operate between speeds of about 7 and 39 miles per hour.  Below that wind speed, they can’t produce enough energy.  Above gale force, the winds become too dangerous for the turbine’s rotors to operate.

·         Safety.  Numerous problems are cited in the documentary and Dr. Etherington’s book, including fires involving the rotor’s braking system, fires which local fire companies cannot put out because of the height of the towers.  On offshore wind turbines, helicopters must go out to sea to extinguish the fires, using more fossil fuel and creating more pollution (!).  Blades have flown off the towers in high winds and the towers themselves have been known to come toppling down, sometimes only mere feet from nearby homes.

·         Efficiency.  Because the power is not reliable and can’t be store, wind turbine communities most rely on additional fossil fuel plants to serve as back-up to the turbines in case of an outage.  This means the building of additional plants which run full time but are only used in emergencies.

·         Preservation.  For something that’s supposed to save the earth, the wind turbines are doing a pretty good job of wiping out our feathered friends, particularly the larger predators like the golden eagle, the hawk, and the owl, which fly at lower speeds and can’t get out of the way of the mammoth blades in time.  Another species which is falling victim to these monoliths is the bat.  They’re dying by the thousands as the production of wind turbines increases (39 percent in the United States).

·         Disruptions.  Wind turbines have a significant disruptive effect on all sorts of electronics, including radar, cellphones, satellite and television reception.  The wind turbine’s answer was that cable television would solve that problem, an expensive solution for poor families.

·         Health Hazards.  In addition to the obvious electricity hazards (like any power line), the wind turbines have a detrimental effect on the health of local residents.  The turbines produce a low-level vibration, a whumping similar to the sound of a teenager’s car stereo turned up loud, caused by the rotor passing the base of the tower.  This sound is continuous, monotonous, and makes people sick.  Residents have experienced heart palpitations, seizures, headaches, dizziness, and nausea from the constant vibration.  There are also the continuous mechanical sounds of the rotor.  And finally, there’s the strobing effect of the blades’ shadows, which cause more physiological and psychological damage to residents.  Home owners have had to abandon their properties, which is very convenient to Agenda 21’s plans for confiscating rural lands and driving residents into urban and suburban communes.  There are also icing problems with the wind turbines, whose blades throw tons of ice hundreds of feet onto property, houses, and passing vehicles.

Meanwhile, the turbine owners are reaping in millions in subsidies for these useless windmills that do nothing to save the earth, energy, or the economy.  Just constructing these monsters involves the repaving of rural roads to accommodate the heavy equipment need to bring in the towers and blades.

To promote these ugly monstrosities (which also ruin beautiful landscapes and vistas), is to ask us to tilt at windmills, like Don Quixote.  Indeed, these are windmills we must tilt at and defeat for the taxpayers are being scammed.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Dressed to Kill

Would someone legally carrying a concealed weapon have been able to stop James Holmes from massacring 12 innocent movie-goers and injuring dozens more at the cinema in Aurora, Colo.?

 A pro-gun, gun-owning, Second Amendment advocate friend says, “Probably not.”   The problem, he says, is that Holmes was dressed to kill.  He was not only armed with the latest assault weapons, but clad practically head-to-toe in the latest bullet proof armor.  In addition to the chest protector, which covered him to his chin, he was also wearing a bullet-proof (begging your pardon) crotch protector, leggings and combat boots.  He was also wearing the latest in bullet proof helmets, which left only a small portion of his face exposed.

Once he got back into the theater, also wearing a hazmat suit and gas mask, he released a canister of gas which not only asphyxiated the audience but obscured any clear shot of him.  Holmes had his “performance” well-planned.

More information has been released about Holmes.  According to a report in the UK Telegraph, emulating his idol, late actor Heath Ledger, he told police that he’d taken 100 mg of the prescription drug vicodin, the same drug on which Ledger overdosed and died.  Vicodin side-effects can include euphoria, paranoia and, in rare cases, hallucinations.

“He described his fascination with altered states of mind in a lecture to other students, and dosed up on prescription medication before the atrocity, it emerged on Sunday.

“The first video footage of the suspect showed him as an awkward, nervous 18-year-old giving a talk at a science summer camp in San Diego on "temporal illusions". It also emerged that in the days before the attack, Holmes, a cannabis smoker, joined a dating website seeking women for ‘sexy times’ and also tried to join a gun club.

“The University of Colorado said it was investigating whether he used his position as a
neuroscience PhD student to order materials that he used to booby-trap his apartment.”

Other reports say that he was refused membership to Denver gun club due to bizarre behavior.

As soon as the furor has died down, gun control advocates will use this tragedy as ammunition to argue for further gun control and repeal of the Second Amendment.  Their energies would be better spent criminalizing drugs.   Still, if they insist on decriminalizing and even legalizing drug use, that’s all the more reason for citizens to legally own firearms in order to protect themselves.

Concealed carry has a good reputation:

·         Concealed carry laws have reduced murder and crime rates in the states that have enacted them. According to a comprehensive study which reviewed crime statistics in every county in the United States from 1977 to 1992, states which passed concealed carry laws reduced their rate of murder by 8.5%, rape by 5%, aggravated assault by 7% and robbery by 3%.(4)

·         Guns are used 2.5 million times a year in self-defense. Law-abiding citizens use guns to defend themselves against criminals as many as 2.5 million times every year—or about 6,850 times a day.(1) This means that each year, firearms are used more than 80 times more often to protect the lives of honest citizens than to take lives.(2)

Concealed carry would not have helped in this particular situation, but it has helped in millions of others.  Meanwhile, we shake our heads and say no one could see this coming.  But, while there are few details due to the ongoing investigation, those that have surfaced indicate clear warning signs.

This was a young man who enjoyed experimenting with “altered states of mind.”  Unfortunately, since the Sixties, this has not only become an accepted part of our culture (think Woodstock), but it’s celebrated and about to be legalized, even as owning a gun for self-protection becomes a criminal offense.  He smoked pot and who knows what else.  He had Batman paraphernalia and was clearly a fan of the demented fictional character, The Joker.  Note the distinction between the character and the actor who portrayed him in 2008, Heath Ledger.

Our future is almost as scary as Gotham City.  Drugs being legalized, the lunatics will run the asylum.  Society will have only two choices to arm themselves or become a police state, with children having to go through metal detectors and possibly pat-downs at the local cinema just to be able to watch a movie, where the lunatics will be free to get high on their drug of choice. 

But it’ll be okay because even if you can’t carry a firearm into the theater in case one of the lunatics takes into their head that they’re the villain up on the screen, Swat Teams will be stationed at every exit in case of trouble.

And someone can always send up the Bat Signal.