Belle of Liberty

Letting Freedom Ring

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Relationship Building

Want to know Glenn Beck’s secret to successful relationships? Or at least how to be as successful as he is?

No, no. Not those kinds of relationships. Liberal relationships. The relationships between Liberal politicians, campaign donors, and fundraising organizations. If you don’t have a cast of thousands like Glenn does, you can always go to

Muckety allows you to type in the name of a Liberal power player, like Anita Dunn, and it draws you a map of all the key links in her political relationships, personal, political, and organizational. Anita, for instance, is related to Robert F. Bauer, Obama’s personal and White House counsel.

I typed in George Soros, figuring it would be full of names - and it was. Somewhere in the maps I subsequently researched was the Brain Trauma Foundation. Why in the world, I wondered, was such a benign-sounding organization being linked to such a web of spiders?

You hear Brain Trauma Foundation, you think, “Christopher Reeve.” But that’s the wrong answer. The name you should be thinking, it turns out, is Hassan Nemazee.

Nemazee is a member of the board of directors of the Brain Trauma Foundation. So is George Soros. But put Soros to one side for now. Nemazee is the interesting character here.

He contributed to the presidential campaigns of John F. Kerry, Hillary Clinton, and eventually, Barack Obama, and actually served as the Clinton’s campaign finance manager.

His name has surfaced before. He is involved with the Iranian American PAC. Somehow, the media always manages to bury him again, though. Especially with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad arriving in New York City next week – if he can obtain a U.S. visa – to attend the nuclear proliferation talks at the United Nations.

Talk about inconvenient timing.

The Iranian-American son of a shipping magnate, Nemazee was chairman and chief executive of Nemazee Capital, a holding company with investments in private and public companies. He was arrested in August for running a ponzi scheme from 1998 to 2009 that obtained $292 million in fraudulent loans from Bank of America, Citibank and HSBC.

Last month, he pleaded guilty to stealing the money to buy property in Westchester County, and donate to charities and political campaigns.

When I was little, my father would read the Sunday New York Times from cover to cover. It didn’t matter that we were all waiting around, clutching our favorite beach toys. My mother would complain.

“Why do you have to read it now? It’s a beautiful day! The kids want to be outside.”

He said it was important to read it from cover to cover to unearth the important news the Times had buried in its back pages.

The story about Nemazee was on page 22 of the March 18th New York Times, in the N.Y./Region section. Other media outlets are only now catching up to the story, long after the mainstream media has yawned and gone on to other, more important issues.

Nemazee has been ordered to turn himself in by this Friday.

According to the New York Times article, “A spokeswoman for the United States attorney’s office in Manhattan declined to identify the political action committees or campaigns that received money from Mr. Nemazee’s schemes.”

The New York Times will never reveal the information, either.

But go to You’ll be able to connect all the dots yourself.


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