Belle of Liberty

Letting Freedom Ring

Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Who's a Conspiracy Theorist?

Instead of flipping through the television this coming weekend, New York Times columnist David Carr might want to flip through the New York Times’ morgue – its archives – and find the newspaper headlines for Feb. 4, 5, and 6 of 1962. It’s a date CNN’s website neglected in its study of end of the world theories.

In February 1962, Mr. Carr, it wasn’t a lone television talk show guy, or a small collective of Christian end-timers predicting the end of the world; it was millions of Hindus in India praying before their candles to protect them from the calamity that they believed was about to befall them. They were not alone. People all over the world lived in terror of that day. For months before the event, bearded derelicts walked around New York City sporting sandwich board signs warning: “The end of the world is near!” But, it turns out, the millions of Hindus and the bearded soothsayers were seemingly wrong. But I suppose it’s politically incorrect to criticize the Hindus of India. Or is it?

Still, Mr. Carr can take comfort; a small group of Christians did huddle in the freezing cold on a desert mountaintop (I think it was in Arizona) on that same date waiting for the spaceship to come whisk them away from the coming Armageddon.

We’re all still here to tell the tale. The dire predictions of war, famine, earth-shattering asteroids, plagues, tidal waves, and earthquakes, owing their misfortunes to an unusual alignment of planets during a solar eclipse, did not come to pass. At least not yet.

My parents didn’t predict the end of the world, but they certainly predicted, accurately, the advent of communism. Every word they said was true. Neither of them was what you would call a crackpot. Dad was a newspaper editor; mom, a reporter for a trade paper.

The way things were going in the Sixties, they were convinced women would be inveigled to abandon the raising of their own children to group nurseries where the kids could be properly inculcated at an early age into the glories of socialism and communism. They said marriages would begin breaking up. They said kids would begin ratting out their parents for the least of infractions. Sooner or later, they said, the young hippies then running around would wind up becoming the leaders of the future. Like a virus, they would infiltrate everything, including corporations, like the ones that refuse to advertise on Glenn Beck’s show.

They already had control of the unions, they said, and through the unions they would control education, the government, and ultimately, the business world. We would become slaves of the welfare state, they predicted, working to support those who refused to work, or even be educated. We would tear down our own flag – a prediction of Soviet Premier Nikita Kruschev, not Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, or Mom and Dad (though they thought it all too likely and did happen that American flags began being burnt).

There would be no more God in the schools or in the public square, my mother said, and when that happened, that would be the real end of the world. Not asteroids, earthquakes, or floods, although she said God might just cast down a few thunderbolts to let the guy who said “God is Dead” know that God was still alive and kicking.

Obviously, Mr. Carr is not a Biblical scholar, nor apparently are the end-timers. The Bible says, “Watch ye, for ye know not when the master of the house shall return.” Mark 13:35.

Kicking God out of the schools by outlawing prayer in the schools, which happened in 1962, was a much better presage than earth-shattering asteroids of the coming of the end of the world. So was legalizing abortion (which came a decade later). The whole sexual revolution, in fact, painted a pretty grim picture of what was to come. God didn’t destroy the world in 1962? We’re still here? Well maybe He’s just saying to Himself, “Go ahead. Go on. Keep it up. Do your worst.”

The 1962 Vatican compromise certainly didn’t help matters, either. What in the world was the Catholic Church thinking, desanctifying Santa Claus, of all people (among others)? Making secret deals with the Muslim world, according to rumors.

I saw some small portion of that horrible movie, “Beowulf” this weekend. It only took one of the characters cursing Christendom for “frightening” people to move me to change the channel. Frightening people? While ancient tribes in various parts of the world performed human sacrifices, tearing their enemies’ hearts out and devouring while they were still functioning? Ah, but we’re not supposed to criticize other cultures. Shame, shame, shame on Christianity.

Glenn Beck was shocked to find that one of his audiences couldn’t name one of the Ten Commandments. I’m no great Christian, but I was able to count them all out on my fingers sitting at home on my couch. And I haven’t been to church in years. Then, again, when I was small, my mother taught me the Big Ten by heart, along with the Lord’s Prayer, the Pledge of Allegiance, and the alphabet.

I’m still working on memorizing the U.S. Constitution.

Another thing I learned (from a friend, not my parents) was astrology. I was pretty good at it, though I never much cared for fortune-telling and refused to cast any charts, except horaries (a sort of prediction in hindsight, at least in these cases) to puzzle over mysteries such as missing persons or historical catastrophes like the Space Shuttle Challenger. Just a word on Michelle Malkin’s cousin – if they don’t find this girl by the time this blog is posted, if I were the police, I’d be investigating around Husky Stadium stop and along the Lake Washington Ship Canal.

There – that’s why I don’t like doing astrology. I hope they find the girl – alive. Neptune also rules miracles.

But back to the end of the world. Feb. 4-5, 1962 was one of those impersonal charts which I learned was connected with the End of the World prophecies. As I researched the New York Times, I discovered just how many people believed – and feared – that event. Looking at it from an astrological perspective there was plenty of reason to fear but still doubt.

A stellium in Aquarius should indicate (in a natal or birth chart) that the person is nothing worse than just being a very bad partner in a relationship. They’re too independent – and in extreme instances, crazy. But great at organizing mobs of people, certainly, and getting them to follow him or her. They’d also be a whiz-bang with electronic communications and new inventions. This person would be a “Great Communicator”. Only Ronald Reagan was born in 1911, not 1962. We also don’t take into account the retrograde motion of the constellations. All those planets in Aquarius would actually be in Capricorn, the sign of tyrants.

Carr goes on in his column to chortle over Beck’s lack of major advertisers. But why should that surprise anyone? You don’t need to look into a crystal ball to know that one of the Liberals’ tactics is to threaten to boycott advertisers of shows like Beck’s. My company won’t advertise on his show – too political, they claim. Fox offers these advertisers time on other shows instead. Yet major companies will sponsor advertising on absolutely the filthiest, most vile trash on television, as long as the programming pleases the young demographic Democrats.

Liberals have no scruples about carrying on boycotts, where Conservatives do. It’s rather odd that companies will shy away from advertising on a conservative news show, which voices support for capitalism and free enterprise but advertise with abandon on Liberal shows and networks.

They want to “go where the money is.” But where do they think that money comes from?


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