Belle of Liberty

Letting Freedom Ring

Thursday, November 04, 2010

Our New Best Friends

Now that the Mid Term Election of 2010 is over and the Republicans performed the greatest exchange of House of Representatives seats in about 70 years, Obama and the Liberals are eager to make friends and engage in some bipartisan legislation with their “former” adversaries.

“Let’s Make A Deal.” They want to negotiate over the extension of the Bush Tax Cuts. However their deal sounds an awful lot like a threat. The lame duck Congress, with the Wicked Witch of the West Coast, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, will be responsible for whether the tax cuts are extended. Being that the House kind of fell on her, like in The Wizard of Oz, it will be one of her last acts. The Democrats say work with them, limit the tax cuts to taxpayers making under $200,000 ($400,000 for couples), and they’ll be our friends. The Republicans say, “Nope. It’s all or nothing. Tax cuts for everyone, no matter what your income is.”

Already, we have RINOs stepping up to the microphone, declaring that are some things we have to compromise on. So, in other words, either the rich get soaked with higher taxes, or everyone will. That’s some deal.

In a way, this embracing of words like “compromise” and “negotiate” are job security for members of the Tea Parties. Don’t put your signs away just yet. We must remain vigilant. Congress, it seems, is now divided into thirds – Liberal Democrats, RINOs, and Conservatives. Beware of politicians who want to build political bridges; that’s what got us into trouble the last time Republicans ruled the House and Senate. But there no Tea Parties, then.

Voting a politician into office is somewhat like renting your house out to strangers. Even if you vet them carefully, you can’t be sure what they’re really going to do. They may be honest, hard-working tenants who will maintain the property, keep the house in good order, and pay their rent on time.

Or they may be unemployed slackers, with ten unruly children, chickens, goats, and bloodhounds, a criminal background, bad credit, and refrigerator filled with booze. The grass may grow a foot high until you have to mow it yourself and their kids will let the bathtub overflow, leaving you to deal with the insurance company and the mess.

Our elected officials need to remember that they’re temporary workers. They occupy the Capital Building – and the White House – but we, the taxpayers, own the buildings. Right now, our buildings, our structure, is in very poor condition after their marauding, wild spending sprees, and general irresponsibility. Some of them are outright criminals.

We managed to evict some of them, but not all. Some of the worst criminals were voted right back into office again. They’re still there, ready to rob the safe again. Somehow we’re going to have to change the combination on the safe, and once we rout out the bad elements, change the locks so they can’t get back in again.

The trouble is the Moderates, are like very elderly senior citizens, ripe to fall for any scam. The younger Moderates are no better than foolish adolescents, as vulnerable to predators as the elderly. Therefore, we must be the adults and maintain an unceasing vigilance on our government.

After Jan. 1st, we’ll be holding the cards, and we must say “No deal” to compromises and tear up their credit cards.


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