Belle of Liberty

Letting Freedom Ring

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Those Dastardly Tea Parties

Where has The Washington Post been these last 18 months? Since the Tea Parties began in April 2009, they’ve been trying to figure out who we are. Certain that it’s some vast, right-wing conspiracy funded by corporate billionaires and cable television networks, they’ve left no stone, pebble, or boulder unturned.

Apparently, they’ve searched every closet, cabinet, and cubby hole looking for our skeletons. Liberals have planted ringers in the midst of our rallies, trying to draw us out, drawing only quizzical stares instead.

With the 2010 Mid-Term Election only a week away, they’ve finally discovered our secret: we’re just normal, average Americans who aren’t particularly interested in getting tangled up in political machines. We’re not on a crusade to create a Third Party. Some of us have helped out with campaigns, but we’re more likely to be found campaigning to our family, friends, and neighbors about returning our country to its classical, conservative roots, about the importance of a small, fiscally conservative government.

Certainly, there’s a top echelon of political celebrities like Sarah Palin leading a national charge, supporting such Conservative candidates as they can find. Sarah’s about as close to an average American as you can find in the inner political circle. They’re well-funded and well-organized, criss-crossing the country meeting with Tea Party groups. The Tea Party Express will be in Pennsylvania, Delaware, and New Jersey on Oct. 31st.

But the original Tea Parties, the Washington Post discovered, really love their independence. They love the fact that they have no national leader, as it were. The Tea Party Express and the Tea Party Patriots do their national thing – and the local tea parties do theirs.

The Washington Post learned that the local Tea Parties come in all shapes and sizes. Some number in the thousands, most probably in the hundreds, and they unearthed one Tea Party of one. Well, one man (or woman) can make a difference. But there is no national leader for papers like the Washington Post to skewer. There’s no one of note that they can smear and publicly humiliate. No one worth their time, at any rate. No one anyone in the halls of power and Big Media have ever or will ever hear of.

Rush Limbaugh is right in that the Liberal strategy is to appear as though they’re worried about a huge rout of Democrats and then when the Republicans don’t win as many seats as the Liberal Media predicted, they can crow that the Tea Parties weren’t as effective as they thought they would be.

According to Rush, he’s already getting calls from worried Conservatives who fear they’ve lost the race and that whatever Conservatives are elected will betray them by compromising their Conservative values. He says the Media are already feeding those fears with stories of Republicans vowing to “work with” the President.

We’re stronger than that, though. We’re not going to go sheepishly into that good night of complacent obedience. Whatever the outcome next Tuesday, we’ll be waiting. We know our work is far from over. We’re sentinels who must keep a vigilant watch over our freedom. In this mortal world, we’re never more than step away from servitude so long as men with corrupted hearts yearn for power.

A swarm of gnats has taken up residence in my bathroom and kitchen due to the unusually warm, humid weather our area has been experiencing. Every morning, I despatch a swarm of them, only to find another swarm greeting me when I come home in the evening. It is a distasteful chore ridding my house of these pests (without poisoning my pets). But I never let their superior numbers daunt me; I hunt them down ruthlessly until I’ve at least reduced their numbers, if not eliminated them completely. This is my house and I will have order.

No matter how many Liberals come swarming at us during these last days before they election, we must not waiver. We must despatch them with truth and true love of freedom. We must not let our country become the repository of vermin and lice, gnawing away at the foundations of freedom and feasting on its decay. Decency and honor demand that we prevail.


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