Belle of Liberty

Letting Freedom Ring

Thursday, May 03, 2012

Post-May Day Celebrations

Yesterday was the first anniversary of Osama Bin Laden’s death.  Obama celebrated the day by making a surprise visit to the troops in Afghanistan and giving himself a congratulatory speech for having the courage to give the order to kill him.

Does anyone still remember the scurrilous treatment Pres. Bush received when he wanted to visit the World Trade Center on one of the anniversaries of the 2001 attacks?  Does anyone remember how he was practically forbidden to visit the site on the anniversary?  Yet Hilary Clinton, whose husband was responsible for missing the terror mastermind the first time was welcomed as was candidate Barack Obama.

While he was congratulating himself on this important anniversary, he also sent an innocent dissident back into the hands of Chinese communists?  Will Obama congratulate himself on the first anniversary of Cheng Guangcheng’s almost certain death?  The guards past whom he slipped were executed for their failure.  Imagine what is going to happen to Cheng?

When Osama was killed, Americans celebrated.  But their cheers were silenced by those who said it was in bad taste or who said it was dangerous.  Here we are a year later and Obama has no scruples about congratulating himself on Bin Laden’s death, adding it to his extremely questionable presidential resume.

‘Well, yeah, I wrecked the economy, raised taxes, imposed a progressive health care on a public that never really knew what it was Congress voted on, and want to pursue relations with Tehran, where he was said to have sheltered in-place for awhile and Beijing.  But I got Bin Laden.”

He also got Cheng Guangcheng.  No doubt China will reward him with whatever Obama asks for.  We should also give a shout out to Hilary, as our Secretary of State.  One has to wonder about the selection of the date of getting Bin Laden, as well as the betrayal of Cheng Guangcheng – all on the day after May Day, the official Communist holiday. 

Osama had been there in Pakistan for awhile, evidently, surrounded by his wives and children in a fortress-like compound and was said to be unarmed when he perished (the passengers on the 9/11 planes, in the Pentagon, and in the Twin Towers weren’t armed, either).  Why May 2nd, in particular?  Why not sooner?  Sooner is better than later but much sooner would have been much better.

There’s still one more victory lap for Obama and that will be the trial and probable execution of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed – just in time for the election in November.

 Today is the National Day of Prayer.  Let us pray to God that people will see through Obama’s guile and vote for Romney.


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