Belle of Liberty

Letting Freedom Ring

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Robbing the Tea Parties of Their Steam

Since the Tea Parties began in April 2009, the moderates have been trying to take the steam out of the Tea Parties. Their deal is to control the Republican party. They did so quite successfully in 2006, electing moderate Republicans who drove up the national debt to frightening new heights.

Then they had the nerve to complain that the Republicans they voted into office were a bunch of crooks. Well, no kidding, Sherlock. The Conservatives, of course, were furious all along, mostly at being dragged along by these gate-swinging, Liberals in Republican clothing phonies.

What they didn’t expect was that the Conservatives would come out of the hills and challenge them for control of the Tea Parties. We ignored every threat they made, every supposedly conciliatory remark about being inclusive. We showed them the door.

Gradually, they intimidated our crowds into leaving their signs at home. They’ve abused anyone who shows up in a heritage costume. Most of all, they’ve got the considerable weight of Glenn Beck behind them. He’s fooled a lot of people with his history lessons into thinking he’s a conservative, which he’d be the first to tell you, he is not.

Many Conservatives have followed him blindly to this point where they’re bleating like sheep and nodding their heads like bobble-head dolls. ‘Well, okay, Glenn – if you think it’s better, we’ll stop showing up with our home-made signs and we won’t wear our heritage costumes because people whose opinion we never cared about might get mad or might laugh at us.’

Tea partiers from my group, didn’t I tell you early on not to go trotting and panting after this guy? Now he’s taken over our state rally, which was supposed to be for us, for everyone who had the courage to take a stand at the Tea Parties. Take a look at the website – “a non-partisan, non-political” non-energy, non-spirit, nonsense event.

You’ve let this overblown, egotistical, spine-of-jelly, marshmallow-loving, yellow-bellied charlatan co-opt our cause. What in the world were you thinking of when you invited him to speak?

This “one-state-at-a-time” slogan should have been a clue that this was all wrong. That’s the same slogan some hoodwinking bunch used to close down the websites that linked the state Tea Parties together, that gave us a forum, that let interested parties know where the rallies were going to take place. They didn’t like the idea of us going rogue; they had no idea that we had the guts to do it back in February of 2009, when the Tea Parties were just a mad scramble of people running around, which was probably the image they wanted people to have of us.

They didn’t expect us to take matters into our own hands in April of 2009. They didn’t figure on us being so well-organized and smart. They had to figure out a new strategy to deal with us, some way to head us off at the pass. To undermine us. Infiltration didn’t work. They had to find a way to destroy our networking ability.

They decided for us that we had to take a “new direction.” Yeah, straight to the center and into the arms of the very moderates who sold us out in the first place. This is just another maneuver of theirs to silence the real independents of the real Tea Parties – the Conservatives.

We’ve already won, have we, says Glenn Beck? Why doesn’t he just wave a gold watch in front of us, while he’s at it? We’ve won? I wouldn’t bet on it. You can also bet your Molly Pitcher rammer that we’re being had. Fold our hands, nod our heads, go “baaaah” and go right back to sleep.

To think I was almost going to waste my time and money on this “event” and throw off my obligation to my band. Not!!

Don’t give up there, Betsy Ross! Don’t let this Glenn Beck guy hornswaggle you into not wearing your costume. I’ll be with you at the next REAL Tea Party rally, wearing my Molly Pitcher costume.


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